Asset Importer File

Scriptable object that holds all the data.

Reading this is not required for users to use the importer. This is intended for people who want to add support for the importer in their own assets.

Asset importer files are a scriptable object that holds all the required data of a single asset.

They can be created by right-clicking in the project hierarchy and then clicking New Asset Importer under Tiny Giant Studio.

If you select the created file, you will notice a custom inspector.

Assets from the same publisher will be bundled together.

Add as many packages as you want.

Please note, the asset window might need to closed and reopened to reflect the changes you have made.

Assign the requirements and don't forget to update the current package version when providing a new version. This is the latest version of the package.

The last installed version is updated when a user clicks import from the Importer.

That's all.

Last updated