Font Creation - Character Selection

Describes how to use different methods for specifying character range when creating fonts in editor.

For main tutorial:

Use this button to check the characters

There are 4 ways to assign characters to be included. In this document, I will go through them one by one.

Character Range

Pretty straight forward. If you type 'A' as start, 'Z' as end, it will include ABC.....XYZ characters. Follow this link to get the character range for your language:

Unicode Range

Same as character range. Instead of characters, use unicodes. Follow this link to get the character range for your language:

Custom Characters

Whatever character is in the text field, will be inside the font.

Unicode Sequence

When you search for character range for your language, this is the type of format you would find most results. 0021-007E, 00C0

In this sequence, 0021-007E means to include all characters between these range. And the 00C0 alone means to include only this. You will find a lot of language Unicode ranges here. Open the link. Select your language and on top you will the Range. Type the ranges in here.

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