Internal documentation
The purpose of this doc is to help the people who work on the asset to keep track of things and only made public because few people were interested in the inner workings. Things here can be often inco
Last updated
The purpose of this doc is to help the people who work on the asset to keep track of things and only made public because few people were interested in the inner workings. Things here can be often inco
Last updated
XRToolkitEditorSetup in Modular 3D Text/Scripts/Editor
XRToolkitGlobalInputControllerForModularTextAsset in Modular 3D Text/Scripts/XR/Editor
XREventsHandlerForModularTextAsset in Modular 3D Text/Scripts/XR/Editor
XRToolkitSliderHandleGrabbable in Modular 3D Text/Scripts/XR/Editor
MenuItem script, which handles creating objects in the scene checks if XRToolkitGlobalInputControllerForModularTextAsset script exists, by name comparison. If it exists, creates 'MText UI controller for XR' gameobject with the script specified before that handles selecting/unselecting stuff like input field.