Modular 3D Text has its own Font asset format. You have to generate a Modular 3D Text font asset from a TTF font file to use it. Afterward, you no longer need the original TTF asset, even for dynamic character generation.
Creating fontsFallback fonts
If a character doesn't exist in the current font, the character is taken from the first fallback font it is found in.
Dynamic Character Generation
Similar to TextMesh Pros Dynamic fonts assets, Modular 3D Text can create characters directly from original TTF font data instead of creating the characters in advance and saving them. This is particularly useful for supporting some languages.
The required TTF data are saved in the font and the original TTF file is not needed to be kept.
If a character exists in the character list in the M3D font, TTF data will be ignored for it.
This is by default turned on but can be turned off by selecting the font and pressing the clear TTF data button.
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